E-Learning - Online Two Wheel Motorised Training |
This Two Wheeler Motorsied Training Programme is a valuable addition to our online e-learning suite of programmes. This suite of 5 modules is ideally suired for organisations that have a mobile work force that predominantly utilise two wheeled motorised vehicles. This is typically the case in the Far East. It is also ideal for individuals who wish to reduce their exposure to risk while riding as a commuter or a pleasure rider.
Comprised of five 20 minute modules, the web-based training solution begins with ‘The Defensive Rider’, This module will set the foundation for the training package. Elements Covered:
This series of modules will help ensure riders understand the fundamental safety requirements for operating a motorized, two wheeler and providing life saving defensive driving techniques.
For further information and a discussion please call our office Tel: +44 (0) 1452 347332 or use our contact Form. Contact Form
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