On-line Fleet Risk Assessments for the UK & Worldwide Road Safety - Everyone's Business

E-Learning Online Driver Assessment & Fleet Training

Online e-learning driver risk assessment and training.

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Your Greatest Assets are Your Employees - Their Greatest Exposure to Risk is Driving!

Online e-learing driver risk assessments & training in the UK and Globally

Our Online E-learning Driver Risk Assessment, Profiling & Training Programmes available in the UK and in over 70 countries and 100 languages globally will help ensure your organisation remains legal and keep your greatest assets (your employees) safe on the road.

This means wherever your fleet drivers are located our Fleet Driver Risk Assessment, Profiling and Training programmes deliver a relevant and tailored training programme to mitigate identified risk meaning you can keep your business running without the need to take drivers off the road, the ideal filtering tool to ensure budgets are directed correctly to any necessary on-road defensive fleet driver training.

The impact of an employee regardless of being a fleet driver or not being involved in a road traffic crash goes far beyond the bent metal costs and potential injury which disrupts the business in all manner of areas.

We are here to ensure your business runs as smoothly as possible whilst delivering top quality online e-learning fleet defensive driver risk assessments and training on a global level with minimal disruption and meeting your Health & Safety obligations.

Online e-learing driver risk assessments & training in the UK and Globally

See how we can help in your organisation and keep your employees safe. Tel: +44 (0) 1452 347332

By Looking After Their Employees - Organisations Look After Their Bottom Line!



























UK Online e-learning driver assessments and training  

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UK Global Road Safety - Leader in E-learning Online Profiling & Defensive Driver Risk Assessments, Training & Fleet Risk Mitigation 

This Risk Profiling and E-training Solution is specifically dedicated to drivers the UK and Ireland.  It is the perfect alternative to traditional On-road Defensive Driver Training and contributes to the reduction of Injuries, Financial Costs & Liability Exposure.  For drivers of cars/small vans, LCVs up to 7.5t, HGVs, PCVs, minibuses and motorcycles.

UK Online e-learning driver assessments and training UK more info

UK Online e-learning driver assessments and training global

UK Global Road Safety - UK Global Leader in E-learning Online Profiling & Defensive Driver Risk Assessments, Training & Fleet Risk Mitigation 

Our Global Online E-Learning Risk Assessment and Training Solution is available in over 100 languages in more than 70 countries These online programmes are easy to implement and feature localised, culturally accepted content. Suitable for drivers of cars and small vans, fleet and grey fleet.

UK Online e-learning driver assessments and training global more info


Online e-learning driver assessment and training policy testing
Our Online Policy Testing Modules are the easiest and most cost effective way for clients to eliminate a portion of their fleet’s risk. We take a client’s written vehicle policy and convert it into a custom built training module that drivers can be tested on. This then provides an auditable trail for compliance. Your On-Road H&S Policy will be incorporated as a tested module within your programme curriculum.


An organisation may incorporate as many policy documents as they feel appropriate. This can be extended to areas such as Safe Journey Management, Pre-Drive Vehicle Checks or a Drivers Handbook.

Online e-learning driver assessment and training policy testing more info

Online e-learning driver assessment and training request a demo   Global Road Deaths Interactive Map

In order to better understand the benefits of our Online E-Learning Driver Profiling, Assessment & Training solutions we would suggest that you allow us to provide you with a demonstration for the programme that best suits your organisation, please click on one of the buttons below.


Online e-learning driver assessment and training request a demo UK Online e-learning driver assessment and training request a demo Global



E-learning driver training contact details      UK Global Road Safety media links
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Simon Calvert - Managing Director Tel: +44 (0) 1452 347332 United Kingdom