Off Road 4x4 Defensive Driving TrainingOur 4x4 off road courses are designed to suite the geographical location of where assessment and training is required. This may range from arid desert regions through to tropical environments. |
4x4 Defensive Driving Training:This can be either a one or two day course depending upon experience of the attendees and undertaken in the region in which the drivers will be working. Assessment and training is conducted by one of our team of specialist 4x4 driver assessor trainers who have a wide variety of experience with regard to both geogrphical location and hostile environments.
Venturing off road in any extreme environment can lead to rapidly changing topography and dissorentation and the need to remain calm and in control of your vehicle.
Driving in extreme environements is about recognising subtle changes in the environment you find yourself in, the ability to adapt your driving and utilising the capability of the vehicle.
The course aims to provide the attendees with the essential mechancal knowledge of the 4x4, the ability to exploit the maximum capabilities and performance of the vehicle and appreciate and essential survival skills and specialist equipment necessary.
Attendees will lean to undertand and recognise changing topography and the need to adapt their vehicle and driving technique to ensure thier own and their passenger safety.
For further information and a discussion please call our office Tel: +44 (0) 1452 347332 or use our contact Form. Contact Form